4 Mothership colleagues share the quirkiest gift they bought for Teachers’ Day

Our teachers deserve all the love and appreciation we can show them.

| Sulaiman Daud | Sponsored | August 29, 2024, 05:48 PM

Think back to your childhood. Amidst the memories of friends, family and fun, you probably remember your time in school very clearly, no matter how long ago it was.

School, especially preschool, is a huge part of our young lives. It’s the first place where we leave the comfort of our homes and go out into the wider world.

For many of us, it’s also the first place where many of us come under the guidance of adults who weren’t our parents. They were our teachers.

Our early childhood educators were our guardians away from home, the ones who made sure we were mixing well with other kids and learning more than just our ABCs and 123s. In a very real sense, they put us on the path to the next stage in our lives.

I meant that quite literally since most of us would have distant memories, or at least photos of us performing alongside a bunch of 6-year-olds who were having fun despite barely knowing what they were doing for a graduation ceremony.

And with that in mind, I asked my colleagues if they could recall the most unique thing they’ve ever gifted to their teachers.

Heart in a jar

Prue* remembers back in primary school, sacrificing some of the money she painstakingly saved up in an actual piggy bank to visit a bookstore.

There, she bought not one, but three candles in bottle-shaped glass, with a “heart” inside them.

She then proceeded to stick tags on them and pretended she made them herself.

Prue recalls being very satisfied with her “trick” not realising that the teachers probably went back to their lounge afterwards and compared their identical gifts.

“But hey, it’s the thought that counts!” she said.

Citation needed

Piper* recalls taking Project Work during A Levels.

Lots of research was involved, and like all good students, Piper and her friends cited references as sources for their project.

Just for fun, they printed out a photo of one of their sources, framed it, and gave it to their teacher.

“That teacher and I still meet for a meal from time to time, and we still talk and laugh about it,” said Piper.

Spoon feed this

For Phoebe*, the JC years meant stretching her wings, but her teachers still made sure to share their wise words of advice.

“The tutors kept saying we’re not gonna spoon feed you anymore, so I gave them decorated spoons holding a Ferrero Rocher.”

“Since I didn’t need the spoon anymore, I ‘gave it back’ to them,” Phoebe said. The rocher was also her attempt to make the gift ‘less sad’.

Things not said

But don’t wait too long to share what’s on your mind.

Back in secondary school, Paige* was in a class that was, by her own admission, “quite mischievous.”

Despite getting into many scrapes and causing “headaches” for their teacher, Paige recalled that her teacher remained very sweet and patient as she taught them through the year.

“I was thankful that she did not give up on us,” she said.

Having an adult guide that doesn’t give up on you, even if they have a lot of reasons to do so, is something that one appreciates as they look back and reflect.

While she did not prepare a gift for her teacher back then, Paige said she regrets not doing so.

“If I could, I would go back and buy her a gift to show her how much her efforts meant to me.”

Appreciate your teacher every day, not just Teachers’ Day

Perhaps you now feel inspired to get a gift for that special teacher who played a big role in your life.

Or maybe you have little ones of your own, and you want to teach them to appreciate the passion and professionalism of their early childhood educators.

You could get a gift for your child’s preschool teacher, or your own teacher to show your appreciation.

It doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive, as you could tell from the kind of gifts that my colleagues got for their teachers.

In fact, a nice card or a reference to a shared memory would put a smile on their faces.

But teachers deserve our gratitude all year round, not just one day of the year as it’s no exaggeration to say that teachers helped to shape the people we became today.

As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, remember that our teachers and early childhood educators do their jobs because they’re dedicated to guiding, nurturing and shaping the tomorrow of the next generation.

When parents and students alike show their appreciation for their teachers, teachers themselves are empowered to be confident in their role and do their job to the best of their ability.

*Note: Names have been changed to protect the nostalgic

The writer of this Early Childhood Development Agency-sponsored article wishes all early childhood educators and teachers out there a Happy Teachers’ Day.

Top photo courtesy of Canva