Oil spill clean-up at East Coast Park complete, all beaches have reopened

The public is still advised against swimming and primary contact water activities.

Tharun Suresh | August 11, 2024, 07:26 PM



The clean-up of the oil spill at beaches in East Coast Park is complete, a Facebook post by the National Parks Board (NParks) on Aug. 11, 2024, said.

All beaches there are now reopened, it added.

The post nevertheless added that while accessing the beachfront and engaging in non-primary contact water sports is safe, the public is still advised against swimming and primary contact water activities.

Such activities include wakeboarding and stand-up paddling in the beach waters.

Several beaches around Singapore were affected when an allision between two vessels near Pasir Panjang terminal resulted in an oil spill on Jun. 14.

Measures were soon taken to contain the spill, including the deployment of oil-absorbent booms.

Hundreds of volunteers also signed up to assist with cleanup operations, with over 700 deployed to patrol beaches and report oil sightings.

Top photo from NParks/Facebook.