Car rear-ends garbage truck at Somerset

Its bonnet was badly crumpled.

Khine Zin Htet | August 28, 2024, 12:56 PM



A car rear-ended a garbage truck at Kramat Road on Aug. 24, 2024.

Photos and videos of the incident were later uploaded on Facebook group SG Road Vigilante.

Photo via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook.

Damage to the car

The images revealed significant damage to the car's front area, with the bonnet visibly crumpled from the impact.

Photo via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook.

Several police officers were present at the scene.

Photo via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook.

Meanwhile, the garbage truck appeared to have sustained no visible damage.


Comments on the post questioned how fast the driver must have been going to overlook a vehicle as large as the garbage truck.

Another comment noted that the incident happened near a blind spot — the bend before Supreme Hotel along Kramat Road.

Photo via Google Maps.

Top photo via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook