Food delivery rider lane-splits on e-bike, gets sandwiched between 2 cars, crashes

The rider was able to get back onto his feet.

Khine Zin Htet


July 31, 2024, 06:39 PM



A food delivery rider on a power-assisted bicycle (PAB) crashed after attempting to travel in between two cars on Jul. 29.

The incident was captured on video and shared to the SG Road Vigilante Facebook page.

What happened

In the video, a white car in the leftmost lane could be seen filtering right to the next lane as a PAB and a black car proceeded forward together.

This caused the lane-splitting PAB rider to lose balance and fall as it appeared unable to stop in time.

Gif via SG Road Vigilante/Facenook

The delivery items the rider was carrying was spilled onto the road.

He was observed trying to regain his composure before finally getting to his feet.

Gif via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook

A passing motorcyclist and the drivers of the two cars involved stopped to help, righting the PAB and gathering the rider's delivery items.

Photo via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook

Commenters were mostly critical of the PAB rider, pointing out that he should not have been lane-splitting.

According to the handbook for mandatory theory tests on PABs by the Land Transport Authority (LTA), riders should "ride as near as practicable to the far-left edge of the road".

Photo via LTA

Another angle of accident

Another footage of the accident from a different angle was uploaded a few hours later on SG Road Vigilante.

Gif via SG Road Vigilante

The poster wrote in the caption that the rider, 70, is now walking painfully.

They further claimed that the man was given medical leave until Aug. 31, 2024.

Top photos from SG Road Vigilante/Facebook

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