Thai wildlife rescuer carefully removes snake that sought warmth in sleeping man's boxers

Snake in my Calvins.

Julia Yee | June 24, 2024, 02:02 PM



A nightmare is more often than not just that — a nightmare.

But sometimes it comes true, like when a sleeping man in Rayong, Thailand woke up to find a venomous snake nestled in his boxer shorts.

This led to a hasty snake retrieval operation, which was uploaded onto snake rescuer Ner KhwaiTai's Facebook on Jun. 8, 2024.

According to Thai news media Thaiger, the caption read: "A little cobra with big venom. It seeks warmth in human’s boxer shorts. Don’t catch the wrong snake!"

Snake retrieval

The video showed two spritely Snake and Rescue Rayong personnel on their way to retrieve the reptile.

They entered a house, and were greeted with the sight of a half-naked man lying on the floor.

He pointed to his boxers.

Image via Ner KhwaiTai/Facebook

Squatting down beside the man, one rescuer shone a torchlight at his boxers.

"Stay very still," he cautioned the man lying prone.

He then used a snake hook and reached into the leg of the shorts.

Gif via Ner KhwaiTai/Facebook

Out came the tail of a snake, followed by the critter's head, which peered out of the underwear.

The snake was then removed from its temporary shelter and put in a bag.

Encountering snakes

Snake encounters can also happen in Singapore, since the reptiles are active throughout the year due to our tropical climate. 

If you happen to encounter a snake in your home, the snake might be looking for a dark and secure area to hide.

The National Parks Board (NParks) advises people and pets to stay clear of the snake and contact the 24-hour Animal Response Centre at 1800-476-1600.

If the snake is in a room, keep all doors and windows that lead outside open for the snake to leave.

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Top images via Ner KhwaiTai/Facebook