Girl, 7, stuck in SingPost Centre toilet after ceiling pipe bursts causing 'waterfall' to block entrance

The mall said there were no injuries reported.

Daniel Seow | June 30, 2024, 10:01 PM



A burst pipe at SingPost Centre on Saturday (Jun. 29) night created a cascading flow of water that splashed onto mall-goers outside a toilet.

The affected passage has since been closed off, with a nearby lift under maintenance.

No injuries were reported.

Lights went out, "waterfall" from ceiling

Pictures of the incident were shared to Xiaohongshu by user "Ashley的小废号" on Jun. 30.

Ashley said that she had visited the mall the earlier night with her family, and was paying at a shop when her eldest daughter had to rush off to use the toilet.

She later went over to wait for her daughter outside the toilet, but things went awry when water started dripping from the ceiling.

"The lights went out in the corridor and the trickle of water became a gurgle. Then a portion of the ceiling gave way," she wrote.

Image from Ashley的小废号 / Xiaohongshu.

As it was too dark to see, she phoned her husband for help.

However, in the middle of the call, she suddenly heard her daughter's voice yelling for her from the toilet, so she ran inside.

"I saw she had climbed onto the diaper-changing table to avoid the water pooling on the floor. So I grabbed her and we both ran back through the 'waterfall'," Ashley said.

Both were soaked through by the time they were reunited with the rest of the family back at their car, she added.

In her Xiaohongshu post, Ashley described the experience as a harrowing one that made her legs feel weak.

"Scary to experience as a kid"

Ashley also told Lianhe Zaobao (Zaobao) that the experience caused her seven-year-old daughter to cry for several minutes.

"I hugged her tightly to calm her down, and thankfully she didn't have nightmares that night," Liang said.

"It's quite scary to experience as a kid. Also, because it was almost closing time at the mall, my daughter was alone in the toilet without any adults around, and that made it even more terrifying," she added.

Water pipe burst due to installation of water meter: SingPost Centre

In response to Mothership's enquiries, SingPost Centre said that it experienced a burst water pipe on Saturday night at about 9.10pm, due to the installation of a new water meter.

Maintenance crews were immediately dispatched and the area was cordoned off, but operations for the rest of the mall were not affected, the mall said.

The mall added that no one was injured and there was no damage to tenants’ properties, but a couple of shoppers in the vicinity got splashed upon.

"We prioritise the safety and comfort of our visitors. We thank our customers for their understanding and cooperation during this brief incident," the mall said.

Top image from Xiaohongshu and Google