Pope Francis' S'pore mass could last 6 hours, elderly & wheelchair users can register seats via parish

The Papal Mass will be celebrated on Sep. 12, 2024.

Winnie Li | June 10, 2024, 02:20 PM



Pope Francis' upcoming Papal Mass in Singapore, which will be celebrated on Sep. 12, could last up to six hours.

During the mass, all attendees are requested to remain seated, and those who leave the Papal Mass venue after the Pope's arrival will be considered to have left the venue and will not be allowed back into the mass area, according to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore.

Given these conditions, those with medical needs and are keen to participate in the mass are encouraged to consider the mass' duration before registering their interest in attending.

Special ticketing arrangements for elderly, wheelchair-bound

According to the Archdiocese of Singapore, elderly and wheelchair-bound users with valid Person-with-Disability (PWD) cards can register for the limited seats available at their respective parishes.

Each elderly or wheelchair-bound user may be accompanied by one caregiver.

The caregiver must be physically able to provide the necessary care and should be with their charge at all times.

The age limit for elderly is defined by the parishes, and it usually refers to those aged 85 years and above.

Elderly attendees of the mass should be able-bodied and mobile enough to move without constant assistance.

Parishes will make the final decision on who receives the allocated seats.

Successful applicants, which include elderly, wheelchair-bound users, and their caregivers, will not need to participate in the open public balloting system for tickets via myCatholic.sg.

Transport arrangements and facilities

For elderly and their caregivers who are attending the mass, they will be transported via chartered buses, which will bring them from their respective parishes to the mass venue and back to the parishes post-mass.

Wheelchair-bound users and their caregivers would need to arrange their own transportation to the venue.

Details on the accessible entrances, drop-offs, and parking will be communicated directly to them and their caregivers.

Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) are not allowed inside the mass venue as per safety regulations.

Mobile toilets, including wheelchair-accessible ones, will be available for both elderly and wheelchair-bound users.

Top images via Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore & Vatican News/Facebook