Japan Home S'pore 'determined' to find out how 'used' thermometer was sold to customer

They were 'shocked' and distressed' by the incident.

Mandy How | March 31, 2020, 02:03 PM

On Mar. 28, a Singaporean woman known as Michelle Teo bought two thermometers from Japan Home Compass One.

Upon returning home, however, Teo discovered that one of the thermometers had another name written on it.

Two days after the purchase, Teo updated to say that Japan Home has gotten in touch with her, and will be launching an internal investigation.

Investigating factory production

In response to queries by Mothership, Japan Home said that there were "shocked and distressed" to learn of the incident.

The store has since checked their inventory to make sure that there will be no reoccurrence.

All of their retail outlets have also stopped selling this item as an added precaution, the statement added.

Although Teo believes that the thermometer was simply used by a previous customer, Japan Home says that they have contacted the supplier and importer to find out if tampering occurred.

"We are determined to find out at which point of the supply chain the tempering occurred, and if possible trace the any evidence to the culprit."

The store is in the process of "fact finding" with the product supplier, Japan Home reveals, and will decide how to handle the matter once that is completed.

You can read their statement in full here:

"Everyone at Japan Home is shocked and distressed to learn of this incident with the thermometer. We have immediately verified that there is no 2nd case like such with all inventory on hand. All our retail outlets have also stopped selling this item as an added precaution.

We have contacted the supplier and importer for this product, and are fully engaged to ensure a proper accounting of the incident. This includes verifying the integrity against product tampering through the logistics supply-chain, up to production at the factory.

Right after receiving this feedback, we managed to get in touch with Ms Teo to make immediate restitution for her unfortunate encounter at our store and inconvenience. We want to apologise to her once again for the bad experience.

Whether it be a case of deliberate tampering or sabotage prank, we are determined to find out at which point of the supply chain the tampering occurred, and if possible trace the any evidence to the culprit. We will decide how to handle the matter next once we complete the fact finding internally and with the product supplier."

Top image via Michelle Teo and Japan Home on Facebook