Haidilao releases earrings shaped like lotus roots & star anise hot pot ingredients

Thing that looks like another thing.

Belmont Lay | November 17, 2019, 03:41 AM

Haidilao, the biggest hot pot chain in China, and possibly the world, has released a line of earrings shaped like Sichuan mala 麻辣 hot pot ingredients.

The four designs include: Lotus roots, star anise, chili peppers and mushrooms.

Why exactly is Haidilao dabbling in merchandise is anyone's guess, but it helps with branding and also to never underestimate what will make consumers part with their money.

Cooking sleeves

Besides earrings, Haidilao also created a ridiculous merchandise: Sleeves for cooking.

Tote bags

And, of course, the ever-dependable tote bag that is going to end up killing the planet it was manufactured to save in the first.

It features the word "捞" (lao), which is to "dig" with your ladle in the soup.

This one is clever as it is a word play on "捞" (lao), cancelling out "唠唠" (lao lao), which is to nag.

This one has some Rupi Kaur-inspired poetic scribbling, loosely translated as: "Life like the sea will always let you find that one thing."

These items are the new plastic bag as they are in so great an abundance they will clog up landfills, oceans, and incinerators in time to come.

Sticky notes

Another quintessential item everyone has but underuse:

Currently, these merchandise are only available in China.

This is despite Haidilao having over 400 restaurants in more than five countries, including Australia, Canada, and the United States.