Parking in S’pore can be a hair-tearing experience and this video illustrates it perfectly

Angsty af.

Tsiuwen Yeo | Sponsored | November 19, 2017, 10:26 AM

Driving can be a hair-raising experience in Singapore, and looking for a parking space is sometimes like trying to win the lottery.

Except you are angstier. And everything is, in general, more dangerous.

Now imagine if all cars on the roads became cardboard boxes. Would you be more violent? How restrained do you think you can be?

But surely, we are not an angry people. Surely, we all start the day with a bit of optimism -- that I won’t be stuck in a traffic jam today. That it won’t rain during that short walk from my car to the office.

That, above all, I’d be able to get a parking lot today.

Today will be a good day.

Sadly, with the number of cars on our roads these days, that last bit can be a long shot. Especially since it’s a publicly known fact that Singaporeans are not the most polite of drivers.

Damn you for stealing my parking lot!1!1!!

Never mind, you think to yourself. I won’t let that spoil my day. Let’s move on.

But as always, bad happenings come as a string of events. Like dominos, the horrible luck just keeps on coming.


Like the impatient af driver who’s needlessly aggressive to you.

Or the sudden horde of cars that seem to have appeared out of nowhere, now all on the road.

The road was peaceful and empty earlier?!

Yep, I’m never getting to work.

And the last straw? When you’re already late and some rude person steals your lot. Again. At this point, you’re probably this close to punching the daylights out of him. Of course, you only do so in your head.

To be fair, he probably sees it as *HIS* lot too. Fine.

Say you find a parking lot. Great for you. But in the (sometimes) maze-like, narrow structure that is the carpark, retrieving your car is yet another challenge.

Now where in the world is my car?

And as you enter your third carpark on the weekend in search of a lot, you think to yourself: Why did I decide to drive today, of all days?

It’s raining cars, hurray. Not.

Now that you’ve relived how horrifying parking in Singapore can be, here are some interesting trivia about parking in Singapore for you:

*$5,000 is the opportunity cost of the time spent looking for lots and parking

Indeed. Wouldn’t you rather use it for a vacation to Japan?

Cars are pretty much indispensable, but is car ownership essential? At the very least, you shouldn’t have to deal with the hassle of looking for a parking space for your car, if it really drives you up the wall.

Watch this cool video by Uber that totally reflects the state of parking in Singapore:

You can also visit Uber’s ‘Unlocking Cities’ campaign website to find out more about how much space cars actually take up in Singapore.

This sponsored post by Uber is making us think twice about driving to town this weekend.