What country are you? Quiz matches your political views to country that practises it.

If countries were people, in other words.

Guan Zhen Tan | August 21, 2017, 06:58 PM

If you could be any country in the world, what country would you be?

Well, here's a quiz you can take to find out: Quiz website Quotev has a quiz out on Aug. 21, titled, "Which government most closely matches your political views?"

Created by a user, IntricateEntity, it has been taken more than 300,000 times in a day.

Tough choices

This quiz has a set of questions with tough choices. These pertain to healthcare, education, politics and business.

Screenshots via Quotev

The answers aren't necessarily yes or no, as they touch on tax rates and business regulation.

Screenshots via Quotev


Denmark tops

Not surprisingly, most people want to be just like Denmark  or Uruguay, which suggests a more liberal approach to governance.

Of course, a simple quiz like doesn't necessarily mean you are perfectly aligned with the ideologies of any particular country, as these simplified answers don't necessarily explain the justifications behind them.

For example, Singapore is outwardly capitalist as much as she is inwardly socialist.

Interestingly, Singapore is a relatively popular result, coming in fifth.

Screenshot via Quotev

You can take the quiz here to find out what country you would be.

Top image via Quotev