NUS engineering student sets up Google Form sign-up sheet so girls can apply to go on a date with him

This guy is a one-man dating app.

Nyi Nyi Thet | August 06, 2017, 10:06 AM

Getting a degree is no easy feat.

Meeting new people can prove to be a daunting task as well.

But for one NUS engineering student, those obstacles aren't trials to wither from, but opportunities to reinvent.

On the cusp of finishing his four-year course in three and a half years, the man has now turned his sights to procuring dates.

He wrote a post on NUSWhispers offering his solution to this yet-unaccomplished task:

That's right. He set up a Google document in order to filter through all the girls whose applications he anticipates he will get.


Here it is:

This line in particular sticks out:

"Would describe myself as a confident and independent person. Definitely not the party type of guy and I prefer deep meaningful conversations. INTJ."



The reactions from his fellow NUS students have been as priceless as you might expect.

With some considering the entire thing a very visible floor:

And one placing the entire thing into context:

We wish him all the best.