Answer to P1 unscramble-the-letters English question finally revealed

Exciting stuff.

Mandy How | July 22, 2017, 04:10 PM

Brain still tickled by the P1 English question from Maris Stella High?

In case you're lazy to click on the link, here's the question:

The question left many of us stumped, as no fitting word could be formed from the given letters.

If you've been having trouble sleeping because of this question, good news - the vice-principal has replied to our queries.

As it turns out, the original question had been altogether different, and the school had forgotten to amend the letters in the boxes in the process of changing it.

The correct answer, as many have speculated, should be "excited".

This oversight was also disclosed in one of the comments posted by our reader:


Well, you can sleep easy now.

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