This firefighter encik probably has the best helmet collection you'll ever see

Now that's a passion for collection.

Jonathan Lim| February 11, 11:19 AM

The good folks over at the Singapore Civil Defence Force Facebook page just uploaded several photographs of Senior Warrant Officer Junaidi Rowden and his collection of firefighting memorabilia.

Besides toy trucks and firefighting badges, the coolest part of SWO Junaidi's collection must be his cache of 80 firefighter helmets from all over the world.

Here's what the SCDF wrote about him and his collection:

For over 33 years, SWO Junaidi Rowden has been the curator of his own mini-museum of firefighting memorabilia. Stemming from his initial collection of patches and badges from foreign fire services, his collection now includes fire engine models and over 80 fire helmets from Germany, France, Austria and USA to name a few. SWO Junaidi also painstakingly restores vintage Singapore Fire Brigade helmets which he displays proudly in a custom made glass cabinet in his home.

“Once, a man walked in to Central Fire Station where I was working many years ago. I showed him around and learned that he was a German firefighter. We soon became good friends. Many months after he left, I received a big parcel from him one day. I was surprised to find a fire helmet in it!”


Check out the photographs shared by SCDF:

SCDF SWO Junaidi 1

SCDF SWO Junaidi 2

SCDF SWO Junaidi 3 You know SWO Junaidi is a serious collector when he has a modified buffing machine to clean his helmets.

SCDF SWO Junaidi 4 Shine until so kilat! Can't imagine how his boots will look like.

Thumbs up to SWO Junaidi!

If you're interested in more firefighting and civil defence stuff you can raid SWO Junaidi's home visit SCDF's Heritage Gallery at the Central Fire Station on Hill Street.

1356502256413 Source: SCDF


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