ECDA clears River Valley childcare centre of abuse allegations; parents stand with centre

Parents of children at the centre signed a statement in support of Sam's First Learning Centre.

Jonathan Lim | February 23, 2017, 10:13 AM

The Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) has found that Sam's Early Learning Centre complies with "regulatory requirements for safety, health and hygiene", after its investigation.

According to TODAY, the agency's statement added that photographs first circulated on WeChat which alleged abuse in the centre were "taken out of context".

ECDA shared that its investigation included unannounced visits to the premises, verification of documents, interviewing children, parents and staff.

ECDA said, "Our findings are thus far consistent with the explanation put out by the centre earlier today, and the photographs appear to have been taken out of context ... We have also not received adverse feedback about the centre from parents of children currently enrolled at the centre."

This statement comes after the centre's own statement to the media refuting allegations and explaining the context behind the photographs.

Parents stand with the childcare centre

35 parents of children at the centre signed a statement which said that they did not believe the allegations of abuse was true from the beginning. The statement said that "there have never been any complaints from our children about abuse or mistreatment in the many years our children have been attending Sam's."

The statement further, "Sam's has been very forthcoming and have explained the context behind the pictures, and we are satisfied with their explanations."


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