This man in Yew Tee has no chill, professes love for stranger within seconds of meeting

Too much.

Nyi Nyi Thet | January 13, 2017, 02:17 PM

Pickup lines are usually considered cheesy and cliched.

The "jokes" told when trying to initiate conversation are viewed as disingenuous or "try hard".

But anyone who thinks making a more direct pass is acceptable, here is a man that cut out any pretensions from his repertoire.


I like you

A video posted by Twitter user nurrraudhah showed what seemed to be a complete stranger making a pass at her.

This is the transcript of the interaction:

Girl: What?

Man: I like you.

(Pause for girl to take info in)

Man: I love you.

Girl: I call police ah.

(Pause for man to take it in)

Girl: Go away!

The last line of dialogue is a bit muffled, but nurrraudhah said he signalled his intention to kiss her.

i like you

She further revealed that the whole incident took place in Yew Tee.

i like you 2

And described what happened off-camera.

i like you 3


Why video it?

While most expressed sympathy over the girl's plight, some raised a few contentious points.

Particularly over the necessity of filming the encounter.

i like you 5

Though some attributed that to warning others in the Yew Tee area.


Top image from Twitter

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