Taxi driver in Jurong West shows that you can park anywhere if you put your mind to it

When you try your best, but you don't succeed.

Nyi Nyi Thet | January 19, 2017, 12:34 PM

Everyone's seen action movies where cars jump over obstacles with almost laughable ease.


Well, here's a real life example of a car trying, but regrettably failing, to re-enact that glory.

taxi 1 new

The post on the Singapore Taxi Drivers Facebook group placed the car's location at Jurong West.

Here are the other pictures of the Taxi.

taxi 2

taxi 3

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And of course, Singaporeans doing what they do best. Taking pictures of weird things.

taxi picx

Most of the Facebook comments struggled to piece together this puzzle.

Some deduced the driver might not have seen the kerb, or engaged the wrong gear.

But perhaps the most plausible reason was this:

taxi reason ori

Poor taxi.


All images from Singapore Taxi Drivers Facebook page

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