12 important 4 word advice to give to your 17 year old self about life in S'pore

We wish we had known.

Nyi Nyi Thet | Jonathan Lim | October 03, 2016, 05:44 PM

There is an incredibly viral post going around Facebook sourcing for the best 4 word advice to your 17 year old self.

Here is the post in question.


And here are some of the top responses.



And, while all these are good, we felt Singapore life might not perfectly correlate with more western style leanings, so we've come up with a Singapore version.

1. McSpicies while you can


There are a lot of perks to being young, but the best part might be being able to eat Mcspicies and not spend the whole of the next day on the toilet.

2. Must pass your NAPFA

So important! Not only do you get time off NS, it will probably help you get out of RT both during NS and reservist.

3. CPF is NOT savings

Unless you are 64 1/2 years old, your CPF is not your savings.

4. Cigarette tax always increases

Either earn a lot, stop smoking, or get addicted to something cheaper, like work (see next point).

5. Work life balance, hahahahahahhahahahah


Is there such a thing? Yes. Are you gonna be one of the few to achieve it? Probably not.

6. Don't believe in MLMs

It's like believing Nigerian royalty needs your help.

7. Don't offend religious feelings

Relevant to some, a bit more than others.

8. Internships are mostly pointless

Unless you are gonna specialise in doing sai kang, Internships are for the most part, doing things for people you want to be, not doing things the people you want to be do.

9. Listen to your mother

YouTube account

Nagging, and being right is not mutually exclusive. In fact, most times, the 2 go hand in hand.

10. Cafes are incredibly overpriced

Nice Instagram pictures are not a good reason for spending 3x a Cai Png's price on arguably worse food.

11. East side, best side

True story.

12. Hello Kitty not worth

Image from Pokemon Cafe Facebook Image from Pokemon Cafe Facebook

Not just Hello Kitty, queuing for a spot at a Cafe is usually not worth it. Just because got people queue, doesn't mean you need to queue.

Sian, so old already.


Top image from Flickr