2 mynahs picking fight with rat at Punggol MRT station highlights plight of inter-species bullying

I never thought I'd live long enough to be given the chance to write this headline.

Belmont Lay | October 29, 2015, 01:21 PM

Frequently persecuted species, rats, are having the worst time in Singapore.

Not only was a pogrom carried out against them in Bukit Batok in late 2014 via chemical warfare, where their homes were scorched and a thriving community numbering in the thousands reduced to a scurrying few, the rat diaspora scattered across the island now have to endure the taunts and bullying from fellow animals who feel they are more equal than them.

This video, supposedly shot at Punggol MRT station, shows two mynahs relentlessly picking on a rat at a staircase at the station, whose tormented squeaks fell on deaf ears, trapping it until a brave human stepped up to intervene and put an end to the merciless inter-species bullying:

Two-legged feathery animals picking on one furry four-legged mammal. The travesty.

In case we are accused by rights-obsessed activists of painting mynahs as a whole in a bad light by highlighting the actions of a few bad apples and stereotyping them as heartless bullies who endorse and perpetuate rodent-hate, here is a more mild-mannered mynah chirping happily and accompanying a man to buy lottery tickets at a Singapore Pools outlet:

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