SMRT Ltd (Feedback) editor allegedly reveals himself, claims to be someone called Azly J. Nor

So, this is Ahmad?

Belmont Lay | August 31, 2015, 11:00 PM

Mega troll Facebook page SMRT Ltd (Feedback) has put up a note by someone called Azly J. Nor, who claims to be the original editor of the page.

In the note, it recounted how the page was set up on Dec. 16, 2011 -- a day after the first major train disruption in Singapore -- for fun, in light of the fact that the real SMRT public transport operator did not have a social media presence and there was a wish for real-time information to be gathered at one place.

On Dec. 17, 2011, on the day of the second largest breakdown then, Azly acted as the editor who actively posted on the SMRT Ltd (Feedback) page.

Besides kickstarting the page, Azly has claimed responsibility for a series of snarky messages posted in response to genuine commuter feedback, which fuelled the page's notoriety for taking the mickey out of everything and everyone.

These include:


It was also revealed that between January to March every year, the page will be unpublished to undergo a purge to remove controversial posts before being republished again.

Besides making these claims, the one bound to attract the most interest is this teaser: Azly hinted he might stand for this coming General Election 2015, ahead of Nomination Day on Sept. 1, 2015, albeit in a rambling way:

And now here I am prepping myself up for the General Elections. I've stood for public office before, more specifically, stood infront of it - at the Police Cantonment Complex.

I'm not a fan of politics. It's annoying all these back and forth talk about what's good for the people and what's not. I think all political parties have their fair share of good idealogy and at the same time, both camps have idiots saying idiotic things. I wanted to be rational; that common man on the street who wants his voice heard.

I didn't come from a privileged background, neither is my father a 'sombody'. I didn't go through the traditional route of education. I went for night classes at the Singapore Accountancy Academy whilst at the same time studying for my 'O' level. I went into NS earlier than my cohort, and along the way dropped out of ACCA. I was heavily involved in start-ups and the creation of things although I didn't actually create anything particularly useful.

And now it comes to this. The Teh Tarik Party.

I developed the concept of Teh Tarik Economics to represent the philosophical idea of determinism where every human decisions and actions are based from preceding circumstances, both cognitive and metaphysical, to cause a future chain of events shaped out of our individual motives and desires. Such events are then influenced through Psychological Totalism, as explained earlier - the idealogical concept of total control over human behaviour and thought.

Truth to be told, I'm not exactly sure what I've just said or how Teh Tarik has any relation to determinism.

This is in light of recent posts made by SMRT Ltd (Feedback), where the page has actively promoted the Teh Tarik Party: has reached out to SMRT Ltd (Feedback) to confirm the identity of Azly, probably a.k.a. Ahmad.

We will update this post with any new information.