Now you can buy puppies in S'pore like furniture with 0% installment plan

If you fail to fulfill your payment, will the dog get repossessed? Put up for refinancing?

Belmont Lay| August 01, 03:01 PM

In what is perhaps a first, puppies can now be bought on an installment basis just like how anyone can buy electronic goods and furniture from Courts.

A post making the rounds on Facebook pointed out an ad for 0% installment plan puppies.

The best part? The ad was apparently printed on marketing collateral found in the National Day Parade 2014 Fun Pack, the annual event goodie bag given out to patriotic Singaporeans who go watch the "live" NDP celebration.

Some questions you'd definitely have in mind: What happens when you can't make payment? What if the owner disposes of the puppy when it grows bigger and no longer cute? Does this encourage impulse buying? Are there background checks on a customer's credit rating?

Most importantly, why would anyone allow this to be associated with NDP?



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