9 feelings only introverts will understand

But it's okay if you are too introverted to admit you relate.

Alden Tan| March 27, 01:29 PM

Here's a lowdown on what essentially makes an introvert:

The introvert evolves and grows best when alone. The introvert, on average, needs more time alone.

And the introvert is most definitely not a shy person.

Here are 9 feelings introverts will definitely get:


1. Not wanting to go to clubs or bars on Friday night is not a sin

TGIF? We just want to head home, read a good book, watch a movie, play a game or watch anime. Most of all, we want to turn in early.


2. There's nothing wrong with watching a movie alone

There isn't. We aren't lacking a social life, friends or whatever. And no, it's not necessarily some indie film. What's wrong with watching a blockbuster alone?


3. We felt awkward in primary and secondary school

As a kid, it wasn't that there was something wrong with us. We were just naturally introverted, so much so we didn't really like group sports or hang out after school.


4. Not wanting to meet people doesn't mean we are unfriendly

We just... don't want to make new friends sometimes. It's tiring to to go through the same boring routine.

You know, "Hi, what's your name?", "Where do you work now?" and "Oh? Do you know (whoever) from there?"


5. We need A LOT of space and no one should invade it

And you can't blame us for being annoyed or even angry should you take up some of that space. Please, don't come over.


6. It's better to eat alone

Anything wrong with that? Nope. Not at all. We like that huge, empty table at the coffee shop.


7. Books are super awesome and they beat apps hands down

And we find it sad that most people don't appreciate our national library and its books.


8. Even when we do go out to hang out, we don't want to talk that much

It's not a contradiction. We aren't trying to be difficult either. It's just how we like it sometimes.


9. It can be annoying when your friends call you "sad", "depressed" or "emo"

Just because you decided to go Siloso Beach alone at night.

We aren't any of the above. We just want that alone time to meditate, reflect and recharge! And no, we don't have problems with our boyfriend or girlfriend!


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