20 problems twenty-somethings encounter in S'pore today

First world or real world?

Alden Tan| February 25, 12:39 AM

1. The "moral dilemma" of dating a younger person

Because you may be called a perv by your friends. And you're also afraid he or she is too immature for you.

But honestly, age doesn't matter that much.


2. Unemployment

The biggest side effect of this is that boredom can do things to your mind. Staying home all day isn't all that great in your twenties.


3. Lack of sleep

But you can't bear to leave the computer at night.

Because you just had a hard day's work. Why go to bed early? Yet, at the back of your mind, you worry you're not getting enough sleep. And that keeps you up. It's a vicious cycle.


4. Credit card debt

The short-term thrill of buying a couple of drinks with your card really isn't a good thing at all.


5. Feeling the pressure of making full use of your Friday and Saturdays even though you don't really want to head out.

Then you head out for a few hours, realise you aren't enjoying yourself, decide to go home and lament on the wasted time.


6. The fear of growing older

Before you actually live to a new birthday, the impending addition of a number can be super daunting, especially if you feel like you haven't achieved what you wanted in life yet.


7. You aren't where you want to be

But you're not exactly sure where you want to go either.


8. Your friends are getting married before you

a) You feel the pressure to do the same.

b) That's time and money spent and gone forever.


9. You've not had a girlfriend or boyfriend before

Are you going to be single… FOREVER?


10. You're still a virgin

And you feel awkward when your friends talk about it.


11. The guilt of being rude to your parents

Or not spending enough time with them.

It's like, "Geez mom! I just got back from work and I'm tired. Talk to me later."

Then you feel bad. "I should not have said that. But why does it happen so often?". Guilt arises. And seriously, you don't know why it happens so often.


12. Breaking up

It hurts like hell.


13. A drastic change in metabolism and energy

No, you can't last that long in whatever exercise like last time. And yes, you're gaining weight.


14. Drifting away from friends you swore you'd never drift away from

It happens. Before you know it, you'd be seeing major updates on their social media profile like, out of nowhere.

Trust me. A lot of your friends will be getting married and having kids fast.


15. Hating your job, but not courageous enough to leave

Because you need the money you say. Yet, you constantly wonder if the workload and abuse at work are worth it.


16. Watching your friends go down a self-destructive path

Nothing hurts more than seeing your friends change for the worse. It can happen, really quick at that. And it sucks that you've to stand at the sidelines, powerless and only watching.


17. Your start-up is failing

So much for your cool idea that was supposed to change the world. The heavy lesson is knowing that a good idea is not enough while you're haemorrhaging money.


18. Your peers seem to be doing better

They've better jobs, just got a new car and traveling the world. What are you up to?


19. Knowing that your school days are long, long gone

Exams and even army don't seem so bad after all, eh? Also, whatever happened to the time when you were in a club and didn't actually feel bored?


20. You used to hate coffee, but now it's essential

And you're worried if you're over reliant on it. You also wonder what you could have bought instead of all that coffee.


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