8 ways to show you're a man to the ladies instead of a noob, little boy

You don't even need to die trying, just some simple tips to follow.

Alden Tan| January 31, 12:57 AM

Approaching girls. Getting their numbers. Getting "hooked" up. That's the life of every young adult guy, eh?

But too bad there's so much misunderstanding about what confidence with the ladies is all about.

Because most guys end up looking like little boys.

Here's a list of various things to do and not to do to show that you're a man and not a noob-y little boy.


1. Understand what confidence really means


There's a difference between being confident and looking stupid... so tread lightly.


Confidence is not about delivering a cheesy pickup line. They never work.

Confidence is also not about acting all macho and "tough" as if nothing fazes you in life.

Confidence is simply showing that you're clear with what you want in life, having a passion and being absolutely okay with the idea that you don't need a girl to do all of that, thus effectively being yourself altogether.

A lot of guys mess it up, trying to show on the outside they are a bunch of things they are not inside, which in turn makes them look stupid because of the mismatch.

It may sound counter-intuitive, but let go of the pickup lines, acting and stuff. Only insecure boys rely on them.


2. Dress well




A real man dresses up to look presentable. The idea is to dress smart and look sharp.

Avoid wearing track shoes with jeans or pants. Only prepubescent boys from school wear them.

Stop wearing T-Shirts with words on them. You'll look like Bangkok and nobody is going to laugh and think you're super cool from your T-Shirt's joke.

No more baggy jeans.

And trim your hair!

Why is this necessary? Because looks are important. People are superficial. People judge. Get over it.


3. Stop racing to 'Like' or comment on girls' Facebook posts


Only desperate boys do that. You aren't going to get her attention that way because a ton of boys do the same already!

You'll just end up looking like you've no life cause you spend your time stalking girls on Facebook.


4. Don't be too readily available

I know, you want to be super nice and helpful and be there for her. That's alright. Being nice is cool. But in doing so, you may slip over the fine line of being taken for granted when she knows you're always available for her.

What does that mean? Whether she's actually taking you for granted or not, she's not going to be attracted to you as you're making it too easy for her.

A real man isn't easy. Start giving some challenges. Both guys and girls only want what they think they can't get that. Think about it.


5. Stop waiting like a dog


Waited 10 minutes for her to show up? That's alright. 30 minutes? That's okay I guess, given she's apologetic about it.

But waiting an ungodly 2 hours for her? And then tell her it's alright? You're a little boy then -- a little boy who doesn't value his own time.

A real man knows what to do with his time and makes good use of it.


6. Don't try to act like a "Bad Boy"


Tread lightly with this


I know, I know, you read The Game, went for some dating bootcamp or whatever. You feel like you should start teasing her or start ignoring her and become the "Bad Boy".

They all work, kind of. But if you can't pull it off well, it means you're acting. And acting can fail big time. As mentioned earlier, there will be a mismatch of what you're inside and what you're showing outside.

A real man is ultimately comfortable with his own personality and doesn't need put on a facade.

Besides, if you want to be a bad boy, then you're just aiming to be a boy.


7. Don't be rough or loud


Neither of them are men

It's the ultimate turnoff when you're physically manhandling a lady and then stumbling with your words in excessive volumes.

It doesn't show that you're firm in your stance. It also doesn't show that you've strength either. It merely reflects how you can't handle your emotions, like an insecure boy.

A real man is a gentleman. He treats the lady with respect. Speak with confidence, but don't be rude about it. Remember, charisma is not loud.


8. Eradicate the friendzone


The friendzone does not exist. It's a weak conclusion where you've psyched yourself into thinking that you can never get the girl or that you're not boyfriend material, ever.

But that's not to say you're guaranteed to win her heart even if you think you're out of the nonexistent friendzone.

The point is, a real man will try. He'll muster up the courage, feel the fear and ask her out anyway. Even if he's rejected, it's fine, he knows he tried and will then move on with life -- on to a better match.

A boy? He's stuck in his own world inside his head where he never wins.

A call to action for all real men out there: Share this post, for the boys will not dare to.


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