7 tips you wished you were told before entering university

From a bona fide university graduate.

Jonathan Lim| September 02, 08:16 AM

1. Not all project mates are created equal


We all dream of getting the A-team equivalent of project mates so that we can demolish other groups during our presentations. But in reality, we are often stuck with a less-than-stellar crew.

That does not mean you can't still kick-ass. You have got to recognise that your project mates have some smarts, they made it to the university, didn't they? Just like how Captain Planet needs all elements and a Heart to be summoned, the key to a successful group project is recognising the different abilities of your group mates and letting them use those abilities.

Can't research for nuts? Let someone else more proficient do it while you do the organising of the meet-ups/ discussions. It's all about delegation, don't be fooled into thinking every group member needs to do a little of everything.


2. Orientation camps should be made a compulsory module


Ever step into the lecture hall and wonder how the heck do cliques form so damn fast on the first day of the term?

Well, that's because while you were sitting at home looking at cats on the Internet, others have taken part in orientation camps.

Yes, there will be endless cheering and infantile ra-ra-ing. You will feel like an idiot at least once during these camps, but you will be meeting new people and making friends. These are the friends who will have the same shared experience of mindless freshmen orientation antics. And they will be your friends when you're cold and alone at an 8 a.m. lecture.

3. Be really good at one thing


It can be photography, cooking, cam-whoring, burping or partying. It does not matter, as long as you're good at one thing. Be the go-to guy for that thing. I guarantee it will make it easier for you to enter project groups, have lunch buddies, or just widening your social circle on campus. Just don't be the guy known for illegal shit.


4. Spend your free time on campus whenever possible


It sounds stupid to be on campus on a day without any tutorials and lectures, but trust me, there are tonnes of things you can do. Aside from revising for any tests, you'll be sure to bump into a couple of familiar faces.

Sit down, talk, relax with them. You'll realise that showing up on campus opens you up for opportunities such as finding potential business partners or life partners, as opposed to sitting at home and surfing 9gag.

You all can surf 9gag together on campus.


5. Some modules are meant to make you feel stupid


You will be forced to take modules that are supposed to broaden your knowledge. For example, you may be an engineering student taking a philosophy module. You'll feel like the dumbest person on earth but there will be an equally confounded comms student in the lecture hall.

Point is, if you aren't feeling stupid, you probably aren't learning anything useful. University is about getting an education, not a degree. Deal with it.

6. Buy second hand textbooks

Cat and books

This one's a no-brainer. You get things cheaper and it may come with notes scribbled in already which will help with revision. Don't be a book Nazi and demand for your books to be crisp and new when it could be old and useful. In fact, when you meet up with the seller, it's also an opportunity to ask them for pointers since they've already gone through the module.

Or ask for a date if that's up your alley.


7. It’s an experience, not a means to an end


All lists need a cliché pointer and this is it. University life will fly by very quickly and the last thing you want is just a piece of paper to show for it. It is the time of your lives where you will be old enough to party responsibly, make friends based on your own choices, live life with little to no responsibilities other than your grades, and generally have a good time. Don’t waste your university life on just a piece of paper.


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